Travel Grecian
Travel Grecian
Benelux - Netherlands
Prix par personne à partir de 945 €

Benelux - Netherlands

À partir de
945 €
Prix par personne
À partir de
945 €
prix par personne



Brussels, the capital of Belgium, the main seat of the Belgian Royal Family and the capital of the European Union, is an exceptionally small, friendly and man-made city in all its importance. Unlike beautiful Bruges and Ghent, with their hordes of tourists, Brussels is Belgium's main economic and educational hub, which gives the city a more working-class feel than other cities. Here, you get a proper feel for Belgian life, especially the fantastic restaurant and café culture. While Brussels may lack the stars of other Belgian cities, the capital has plenty more to keep visitors busy for a few days, with a number of world-class museums and art galleries, as well as more curious things to do, such as the Atomium, and some wonderful remnants of old architecture in the old city. Once you've finished your neck of the gothic and baroque splendour, don't forget to stock up on Brussels' famous chocolate. Learn more about the best places to visit with our list of the top sights and activities to do in Brussels.


Langues du guide


Point de rencontre

Αεροδρόμιο Θεσσαλονίκης
1: Bruxelles
2: Bruxelles, Gand, Bruges
3: Bruges, Bruxelles, Luxembourg
4: Luxembourg, Bruxelles, Amsterdam
5: Amsterdam, Volendam
6: Volendam, Amsterdam
  •  Αεροπορικά με την Aegean Airlines: Μια Αποσκευή 23kg και μια χειραποσκευή 8kg το άτομο.
  • Πρωινό καθημερινά στον χώρο του ξενοδοχείου.
  • Διανυκτερεύσεις στο ξενοδοχείο σύμφωνα με το αναλυτικό πρόγραμμα.
  • Μεταφορές με κλιματιζόμενο τουριστικό λεωφορείο, σύμφωνα με το αναλυτικό πρόγραμμα.
  • Περιηγήσεις σύμφωνα με το αναλυτικό πρόγραμμα.
  • Εκδρομή και περιήγηση σε: Γάνδη / Αμβέρσα / Ρότερνταμ και Χάγη.
  • Επίσημος αρχηγός / συνοδός του γραφείου μας.
  • Ασφάλεια αστικής ευθύνης & Ιατροφαρμακευτικής ασφάλειας.
  • Φόροι αεροδρομίων, επίναυλοι καυσίμων: 195€ κατά άτομο.
  • Τέλη διαμονής.
  • Check points: 25€ κατά άτομο.
  • Προαιρετική εκδρομή στο Λουξεμβούργο: 50€ το άτομο.
  • Προαιρετική εκδρομή στα Ψαροχώρια Μάρκεν & Βόλενταμ: 30€ το άτομο.
  • Είσοδοι σε μουσεία, κάστρα, θεάματα, αρχαιολογικούς χώρους και γενικά όπου απαιτείται.
  • Ότι δεν αναφέρεται στο πρόγραμμα ή αναγράφεται ως προαιρετικό ή προτεινόμενο.
  • Ειδική ασφαλιστική κάλυψη για ακύρωση ταξιδιού λόγω ασθένειας COVID19: 15€. Ζητήστε αναλυτικότερες πληροφορίες.

Hébergements possibles

2 hébergements


Notes: The guided tours, excursions, tours are indicative and the order in which they will take place can be changed without skipping any tour.

Note: Not included is the cost of headset rental for tours where headset rental is required unless otherwise stated.

Special Covid-19 insurance: 15€. Ask for more detailed information. 

Useful Information and Remarks : 

Before your departure, make sure you get all the necessary information about your trip from the salesperson who served youDon't forget before leaving home, to check that you have taken with you , all the necessary documents for your trip ( passport / ID card , vaccination certificates , excursion brochure etc. etc )We suggest you choose according to your needs and calculate that the closer to the center the hotel is located the more expensive it is . You should therefore calculate the cost of travel if you will have to travel outside the tour programYou can make purchases and payments with Mastercard and Visa cards. For bank commissions consult your bank.The travel time from city to city is always relative and depends on the weather conditions ,traffic on the road and delays at the border.In the hotels proposed with satellites, the price refers to both.In case a hotel does not gather the necessary reservations ,a comparable one is proposed so that people can concentrate in one or two and to facilitate the execution of the program of tours - tours.Optional activities are not obligatory A minimum number of participants is required for them to take place.There will be compulsory stops (based on relevant legislation on drivers' timetables) at regular intervals (approximately every 2 and a half hours) for coffee, food and toilet facilities. The stops will be at the border and at shops on the road. Unfortunately their quality is not always the best. In many places 50 minutes are requested from the cleaners in the toilets.For health reasons it is not allowed to use the toilet on the bus, as it cannot be disinfected during the journey and is a source of infection.Tourists must adapt to the health rules of the country we are visiting and carry the required documents. The office operates on an advisory basis only.
